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Project documentation requirements

Project documentation requirements: a key to reliable construction

“KapitalStroyProekt” company offers the whole range of services related to the design of construction sites and facilities of different types. One of the directions of our work is monitoring the compliance with the requirements for project documentation, which is an essential component of successful construction work. Here are the main provisions of the current legislation (Regulations on the contents of project documentation sections and requirements for their content dated February 16, 2008, as well as a number of amendments and additions adopted in later periods).

The main provisions of the project documentation requirements

Providing services for the design of various facilities, as well as for supporting the preparation of design documentation, our specialists take into account all the subtleties and nuances of laws and legislative acts on this particular matter. Therefore, using the services of the “KapitalStroyProekt” company, you will get strict adherence to the following important provisions:

  • Full compliance of the project documentation with the requirements for a particular type of facility (capital development or renovation, as well as production, non-production or linear structures).
  • Availability of a text and graphic part, issued in accordance with the relevant requirements.
  • Documentation on the development of special technical conditions for the facility functioning, in case such documents are initially not available.
  • Compliance of the project documentation with the requirements for step-by-step construction, which is especially important for carrying out different types of work at different phases by separate companies and organizations.

A separate line of work of our experts in this field is a detailed analysis of the functioning or the future facility. It allows us to determine if there are any additional project documents needed for approval. If such documentation is detected, it’s development is performed as well. All these procedures are carried out at a professional level in the shortest time possible and for a reasonable fee.

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