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Technical supervision for the building process

Technical supervision for the building process: the key to success and reliability

One of the mandatory conditions for any construction work is the implementation of technical supervision. According to the current legislation, it can be implemented by both state institutions and licensed commercial companies. Herewith, despite the commercial basis, the second option has a number of specific advantages. It goes without saying that the interest in satisfying the customer's needs automatically raises the quality level of technical supervision by the specialists. As practice shows, it’s a win-win situation for both parties. The developer provides himself with the maximum reliability of the facility, and the commercial service that implements technical supervision increases its own prestige among the clients.

Technical supervision in construction: mandatory measure and useful service

The essence of technical supervision in construction is to carry out expert inspections at each phase of work, starting with the design of the facility. Engineers of the relevant sphere carry out a check of technical documentation, and the actual performance of construction works for their compliance with the requirements of legal acts and regulations.

Herewith, an important feature of modern technical supervision is the mutual interest of both parties in the positive result. It’s a win-win scheme. If in the totalitarian regime, the issues of identifying shortcomings or mistakes were often resolved by bribing the officials or freezing the object, today if such situations occur, experts are trying their best to assist the customer in eliminating the problems. Therefore, modern technical supervision, carried out on a commercial basis, unites the whole range of actions, including the following:

  • Conformity assessment of the documentation with the established norms.
  • Assessment of the quality of performed work and identification of defects and shortcomings.
  • Development of measures aiming at correcting mistakes identified during an ordinary inspection.
  • Legal support of the customer in case of problems or issues with state authorities.

Such set of measures is important not only for the developer and the commercial company that carries out technical supervision.

As a result of this mutual cooperation, the target user of the facility, (the one who it is build for) will be provided with a safe and secure facility.

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